Amazing Mago WordPress Plugin
Add This To The End of The URL before using in Mago Email Templates
WordPress Merge Fields
Full Name
[as what="Name"]
[as what="firstname"]
[as what="lastname"]
Email Address
[as what="Email1"]
Mobile Phone
[as what="contactmobilephone"]
Work Phone
[as what="Workphone"]
GOH Name
[as what="contactguestofhonor"]
Company Name
[as what="Company"]
Full Mailing Address
[as what="Address1"] [as what="Address2"], [as what="City"], [as what="State"] [as what="Zip"]
Venue Name & Address
[as what="contactvenuename"] [as what="field4"]
Event Type
[as what="contactshowtypelabel"]
Event Date
[as what="field2"]
GOH Gender
[as what="contactfield15"]
$[as what="field9" default="00.00"]
Total Fee
$[as what="field8" default="00.00"]
Balance Due
$[as what="contactbalanceamt" default="00.00"]
Event Timing Details
[as what="contactdescription"]
Conditional Codes
Switch Field example
[switch field="contactfield1" a="$500" b="$600" c="$700" d="$800" e="$900"]
Switch Field example
[switch field="contactfield15" boy="his" girl="her" multi="their"]
Block Code example
[block field="fieldx" value="123"]Content for 123[else] This optional else condition will show if the block field does not apply. [/else][/block]
Available Operators for Block Swap Codes (advanced)
eq – equals( the default )
* ne – not equals
* gt – greater than (more characters when it’s not a number)
* lt – less than
* ge – greater than or equal to
* le – less than or equal to
* one of – set value to a comma separated list without spaces “choice1,choice2,choice3”
* contains – value is within the custom field
* starts with – value is contained at the very beginning of the field
* ends with – value is contained at the very end of the field.
Advanced Block Code with Operator
[block field="repeat" value="yes" operator="ne"]
This shows to new prospects. You can say something like "Let me introduce myself…"
Conditional Tutorial

Amazing Mago WP Plugin